eprscope 0.1.13
Bug Fixes/Critical Updates
minimum sum of residual squares (
), coming from the final list ofeval_sim_EPR_isoFit
, is now identical to that of the calculated from the final data framedf
of the column/spectrumResiduals
intensity (multiplet) pattern related to just one group of equivalent nuclei is properly displayed when running the
+ right now the function has no limitations, regarding the number of nuclei (within a group) or their corresponding spin quantum number I → calculation of multiplets (multinomial coefficients) was significantly updated using a recursive functionbibliography (
) template, when running thecreate_qmdReport_proj
, now possesses the right name inherited from
fixed bug in
where the g-value scale was not properly displayed; now, if used either with theplot_theme_NoY_ticks
, the back-ticks on the opposite axis are shown as expectedseveral fixes and/or updates in documentation (functions, including
+ vignettes)
the maximum number of components in
was increased from6
; however one should be aware of such a high number of radicals when describing the EPR spectrum “envelope” (the sum of all components) because all the components/radicals must mirror the chemical reality of that mixturedata frame output from the
whenoutput.list.forFitSp = TRUE
was replaced by the plot/spectrum, depending on
argument, in order to be ready for the new complex fitting function (currently under development); this is also the reason why the list of suggested packages in theDESCRIPTION
has been updatedcode in several functions → cleaned up in order to be more readable
right now, all functions based on optimization of EPR simulation parameters, like
, possess an option to display messages and progress of the optimization/fitting procedure (including the elapsed time) within the R console, for better interactivity;Examples
of those functions have been updated accordinglythe
argument (defining the magnetic flux density, B region as a vector) was added/updated in several functions which return plots/spectra
New Functions/Files/Vignettes
R Shiny application with a simple user interface (UI):
, providing not only interactive visualization of a CW EPR spectrum (and its corresponding instrumental parameters), but also the simulation in isotropic regime; all graphs/spectra and data frames/tables can be also exported to common formats like.csv
and excel
eprscope 0.1.12
Bug Fixes/Critical Updates
documentation → fixed/updated, because it did not contain the information about the JDK installation as well as that about the essential R packages + couple of learning or tutorial resources and comments were addedseveral fixes and/or updates in documentation (functions + vignettes)
the default intensity multiplication coefficient (parameter) boundaries within the
function are fixed and correctly set up + extended default boundaries for hyperfine coupling constants (A) addedfixed visualization of an EPR spectrum fit within the
+ the initial simulation (see updates) also includes a baseline correction (now it should also work for the consecutiveoptim.method
(vector))increased decimal places of the magnetic flux density (B) and intensity by the reading of ASCII files, using the
and related functionsfixed issue with the
argument definition (regarding the spectrometer software labels/names) in reading functionsinitial
s for the"(a=1)A + (r=1)R --> [k1] B"
model reaction (see also updates) are now correctly set upthe minimum sum of residual squares (RSS) value argument was renamed (
) and unified for all relevant fitting functionstube diameter within the
is now correctly definedfixed issue with the integral scale within the
code in several functions → cleaned up in order to be more readable, this also includes renaming of several arguments in those functions +
s added on couple of places, within the code, for the sake of interactivity/awareness of operationsreorganization of files and folders related to vignettes
code for the integration of EPR spectra (see the
function) was simplified and supplemented with the option to integrate spectra having the [B] = T units, this also applies to thequantify_EPR_Sim_series
functionthe initial simulated EPR spectrum was added to output graphics of the
value/list (for the case = TRUE
) in order to compare it with the final/best fit as well as with the experimental EPR spectrumnumber of letters in kinetic reaction schemes were decreased in order to be more readable + the last scheme (see also bug fixes above) as well as the time duration and resolution were simplified in order to better work with the numeric ODE integration (by the
function)option to select a method for the numeric ODE integration (argument
) was added to both key functions analyzing the radical kineticsadded option to select a specific implementation of the
(“particle swarm”) optimization algorithm/method, within theoptim_for_EPR_fitness
→ either“SPSO2007”
(for small particle spaces and swarm sizes) or“SPSO2011”
(for larger ones) can be set up + internal function updated (not provided as a user option), the number of “informants” (related to particles) was slightly increased by the corresponding exponent, k = 6 (see also documentation for thepso::psoptim
)value/output list of the
was extended to exclusively include vector of the optimized parameters (together with themin.rss
) and data frame of the best EPR simulation fit in order to be ready for the new complex fitting function (currently under development)simple residual analysis (plots) added to the
output/value list, including the Q-Q (“quantile-quantile”) plot (to check weather residuals are normally distributed) as well as the Residual plot (residuals vs predicted/fittedqvarR
s, e.g. concentration) in order to check the kinetic model fit and precision of the optimized kinetic parameters
New Functions/Files/Vignettes
→ create file-folder structure of an EPR project to create a reproducible Quarto report (please, also refer to the website)peak picking in EPR/ENDOR spectrum:
, with the selection of positive or negative intensity peaks for both derivative as well as integrated forms of an EPR/ENDOR spectrumevaluate activation parameters of an elementary radical reaction, obtained by the “Eyring fit” of the experimental k vs T dependence, based on the essential transition state theory (TST) →
eprscope 0.1.11 (1st public release)
Bug Fixes/Critical Updates
fixed reading of spectral time series within the
functionreading parameter strings from ‘parameter’ files within the
function fixedthe g-value scale on x-axis within the plotting functions is now properly displayed
if the related
unit is converted in relevant data frames, the corresponding column is renamed in order to inherit the new unit (liketime_s
) accordinglynow, the elements in
argument, within thereadEPR_Exp_Specs_multif
, can also contain characters likec("a","b","c")
, not just numbers, e.g.c("250","260","270")
fixed visualization of legend labels within the
functionnatural abundance of interacting nuclei to calculate the intensities within the
and related functions/examples
polynomial to fit the distribution of (B1,Bm) within the cavity was extended in
. Now, the degrees from 5 to 12 are availableadditionally, the above-corresponding (B1,Bm) theoretical distribution calculation was removed for now, and will be addressed in the future
intensity, B, and the
column indices arguments, in general reading functionreadEPR_Exp_Specs
, were renamed (
) in order to clearly point to headers incol.names
option added to reading functions to read the EPR spectra and parameters from these instruments, additionally, the ‘general’ reading functionreadEPR_Exp_Specs
was updated to read files, from the most common EPR instruments, more easily by adding the auxiliarydata.structure
argumentthe optimization algorithms, other than
, were removed from theeval_kinR_EPR_modelFit
for now, additional optimization methods will be implemented later onmany function documentations updated + several examples added + code-cleaning (by
package) done in many functions +README
and vignettes updated, accordinglyvignette to describe the EPR simulations and fitting was removed, for now (will be added later), however, the important points from that vignette are summarized in the relevant function documentations
stoichiometric coefficient notation as well as reaction model scheme for consecutive reactions within the
updated/extendedoption to use Tesla (
) unit, now available in all g-value evaluationsline.type
option added to all relevant plotting functionscalculation of confidence interval by the
simplifiedto read the EPR instrumental parameters by
, added option to read several parameters simultaneously (vectorized input)customized plot themes, like
, were simplified, now, there is no need to add opposite axis-ticks by additional theme layer, those function can now also include additional arguments from generaltheme()
New Functions/Files/Vignettes
perinaphthenyl (PNT) ENDOR spectral data added to package database for documentation examples (in plotting and reading functions)
setting up the continuous integrations like
R CMD check
(in order to build the site) via github
added to package/sitenew vignette for datasets added
new family functions for EPR spectroelectrochemistry, including the function to plot voltammograms and chronoamperograms (
) as well as to calculate the transferred charge and the corresponding number of electrons from chronoamperogram (eval_ECh_QNe_chronoamp
)new dataset (
) as an example of time series experimental data + new datasets coming frommagnettech
eprscope 0.1.10
Bug Fixes/Critical Updates
calculation of normalization constant
⇒ number of points added to calculated norm. constant by unitless receiver gainkinetic models by ODE ⇒
now consider partial reaction orders and correct formulas for rates ⇒ derivations divided by stoichiometric coefficients according to IUPAC recommendations (see also + additionally, now the kinetic parameters can be optimized not only by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm but also by those including within theoptim_for_EPR_fitness
(in case if the partial reaction orders are considered)eval_kinR_ODE_model
can now compare/plot experimental data and model in order to ‘play’ with (manually optimize) partial reaction orders and/or stoichiometric coefficients to fit the experimental data e.g. like integrals or concentrations vs. time. Additionally, the A <– R –> B kinetic model was removed (also fromeval_kinR_EPR_modelFit
) simply, because it “doubles” the R –> B model. The model can be added later on.several bugs in
(e.g. like concentration calculation + default temperature definition) were fixed. The function was completely rewritten. Moreover, now the quantification possesses user’s/instrument’s defined polynomial (orders from 6 to 11) fitting of the spatial distribution of B1 and Bm as well as point sample calibration factor as arguments in order to be more flexible. Finally, the theoretical B1 and Bm distribution (see e.g. can be considered as well in order to estimate the radical concentration.remedy for the Breit-Rabi calculations of energies/frequencies/Bs in simulation => now the g-value for each level is corrected and B are calculated by the fixed-point iterations (see e.g Simulations are not limited by the number of equivalent nuclei groups anymore (6 could be used up to now). Right now any number of groups maybe used in the actual simulation functions. All simulations are also continuously checked by the package tests/examples.
now contains the option not only to fit the pseudo-Voight lines but also pure Lorentzian or pure Gaussian onto the experimental EPR spectra
⇒ pkg. badges initiated + usage examples added +DESCRIPTION
+ vignette demonstrating the basic functionality of the packageseveral documentations and examples
⇒ renamed and focused just on one molecule + added option to place label of the molecule onto an arbitrary position of output image + documentation + examplesincreased accuracy of ENDOR frequencies in nuclei
datasetcouple of variables/arguments (e.g. like
) renamed in order to be consistent throughout the packageto select/remove the columns from
data frame
objects by dplyr thedplyr::all_of()
function is now mostly applied in the package codeextended tolerance to find half of the max. intensity in order to evaluate FWHM
functions to read the EPR spectra like
as well asreadEPR_Exp_Specs_multif
were simplified and now contain the option to take additional arguments from the essentialdata.table::fread()
which are not predefined in those functions in order to be more flexible upon reading
New Functions/Files/Vignettes
added files required to run examples as well as those incl. in vignette(s) ⇒ they are related to EPR spectra of electrochemically generated tetramethyl-phenylenediamine (TMPD) radical cation
smoothing of EPR spectra by
package ⇒smooth_EPR_Spec_by_npreg
which is based on the evaluation of polynomial splinesfitting of the experimental EPR spectra by simulations ⇒
where several optimization methods can be applied ⇒ all incl. inoptim_for_EPR_fitness
+ baseline correction (either “constant” or “linear” or “quadratic”) is now included in the fitting procedurenew tutorial vignette for simulations
was initiated/set uptesting environment by the testthat pkg. set up and initiated + added tests for simulations and conversions
added files/spectral data corresponding to an EPR spectrum of aminoxyl radical for examples and testing
eprscope 0.1.9
Bug Fixes
main function to read EPR spectral data (
) is now forced to usefile
argument ⇒ that isdata.table::fread(file = path_to_ASC)
conversion of
within a cyclic change inconvert_time2var
changed tolerance to find intensity values around
in g-factor evaluation (eval_gFactor_Spec
) in order to take into account different spectral data resolutionsgeneral integration function (
) now includes the proper scaling of sigmoid integrals + fixedIntensity
bug in vector output for the integrated form of EPR spectratemperature parameter in instrumental
files is sometimes missing ⇒ now thereadEPR_params_tabs
checks whether the temperature parameter is present and creates the table accordingly (with or without the temperature)
and “Introduction””vignette
documentation references set up
Code for the absolute quantification of paramag. centers/radicals was simplified within the
function.Function to draw molecules was rewritten to read both
files andsmiles
characters + it was renamed todraw_molecules_by_rcdk
.Reading the simulated spectra (
) has now the option to readASCII
data from various sources like ⇒ “easyspin”, “xenon”, “simfonia” (winepr) or “csv”.Instrumental parameters (related to recording of EPR spectra,
) can be converted into interactive table based on {DT} package.Both
datasets were renamed to..._ds
.several documentations and examples
selection based on different character strings is now replaced by thelineSpecs.form
argument throughout the corresponding functions.The
section/family was renamed toSimulation and Optimization
.Presentation of simulated and experimental spectra (
) has now option to display overlayed spectra.
New Functions
read properties of solvents (from the corresponding datasets) ⇒
convert magnetic flux density (B) values according to input-output units ⇒
simulation of isotropic EPR spectra in both derivative & integrated spectral forms ⇒
simulation of isotropic EPR spectra corresponding to linear combination of several components evaluated by the latter function ⇒
read instrumental parameters required for the simulations that is now implemented in both sim. functions ⇒
eprscope 0.1.8
Added functions to evaluate radical kinetics incl. fitting procedures to experimental data (integral intensities).
Added basic package data structure and vignettes. Package data now include the isotope database,
, to gather the basic properties of nuclei mainly for analysis in EPR/ENDOR spectroscopy. For such purpose the new functioneval_nu_ENDOR
was written. It provides calculation of ENDOR/Larmor frequencies for selected nuclei at specific saturation magnetic flux densities, Bsat.All functions (incl. documentation) are now linked by sections/families.