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Visualization of electrochemical responses like voltammogram or chronoamperogram either by ggplot2 (static plot) or by plotly interactive package. The corresponding data frame for the plot can be created from the ASCII text file, generated by the potentiostat electrochemical instrument, using the fread function (see also section Examples).


  x = "E_V",
  x.unit = "V",
  Current = "I_uA",
  Current.unit = "uA",
  xlim = NULL,
  Ilim = NULL,
  line.color = "darkviolet",
  line.width = 0.75,
  line.type = 1,
  theme.basic = "theme_gray",
  axis.title.size = 15,
  axis.text.size = 14,
  border.line.color = "black",
  border.line.width = 0.5,
  border.line.type = 1,
  ref.electrode = NULL,
  plot.interact = FALSE,
  ticks = "out",
  grid = TRUE



Data frame (table) object, including required columns like Potential (\(E\)) and/or Time (\(t\)) as well as Current (\(I\)). Even though an arbitrary column label can be used, the best option is to use labels e.g. E_V, E_mV, time_s, I_uA or I_mA.


Character string, pointing to x-axis/column quantity, in the original data.vat, like potential (e.g. x = "E_V", x = "E_mV") or time (e.g. x = "time_s", x = "time_min" or x = "time_ms"). Default: x = "E_V" (potential in volts).


Character string, pointing to x-quantity unit. There are following units available: x.unit = "V", x.unit = "mV" (in case of voltammetry, x corresponds to potential) as well as x.unit = "s", x.unit = "ms" or x.unit = "min" (in case of chronoamperometry, x corresponds to time). Default: x.unit = "V".


Character string, indicating the Current(\(I\))-axis/column quantity in the original data.vat object. Default: Current = "I_ua" (current in \(\text{µA}\)).


Character string, pointing to Current quantity unit like Current.unit = "uA" (microamps, default), Current.unit = "A", Current.unit = "mA" and Current.unit = "nA".


Numeric vector of the x-quantity lower and upper limit, e.g. xlim = c(-100,400) (potential in "mV", in case of voltammetry) or xlim = c(0,1000) (time in seconds, in case of chronoamperometry). Default: xlim = NULL actually setting the entire x-range from the original dataset.


Numeric vector, characterizing the lower and upper limit of the current, e.g. Ilim = c(-0.05,0.2), corresponding to current in milliamps. Default: Ilim = NULL related to the entire current (\(I\)) range from the original dataset.


Character string, pointing to line color of the voltammogram / chronoamperogram. All {ggplot2} compatible colors are allowed, e.g. line.color = "blue". Default: line.color = "darkviolet".


Numeric, linewidth of the plot line in mm, default: line.width = 0.75.


Character string or integer, corresponding to width of the voltammogram/chronoamperogram line. Following types can be specified: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid" (default), 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash" and 6 = "twodash".


Character string, calling a ggplot theme base. Following themes are defined:


(default one) => gray background with the white grid lines


=> white background with thin gray grid lines, the theme is suggested for publications


=> similar to theme_bw() but without the pronounced axis black lines


=> without grid, pronounced axis lines, however without opposite ones


=> pronounced axis lines (both for the origin and the opposite) as well as the grid ones, theme is suggested for publications if the grid is set to FALSE


Numeric, axis text title size in pt. Default: axis.title.size = 15.


Numeric, text size in pt for the axes unit values/descriptions, default: axis.text.size = 14.


Character string, referring to color of the plot graph/panel border line. Default: border.line.color = "black".


Numeric, width (in mm) of the plot graph/panel border line, default: border.line.width = 0.5.


Character string or integer, corresponding to width of the plot graph/panel border line. Following types can be specified: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid" (default), 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash" and 6 = "twodash".


Character string, corresponding to reference electrode notiation/label, e.g. ref.electrode = "Ag-quasiref" or ref.electrode = "Fc/Fc+". Default: ref.electrode = NULL (displayed potential is not related to any ref.electrode).


Logical, whether the voltammogram or chronoamperogram is visualized as an interactive plot by {plotly} (plot.interact = TRUE). Default: plot.interact = FALSE (static plot by {ggplot2} is displayed).


Character string, corresponding to pointing direction of the axis ticks, either pointing into the panel graph or outwards (default). If ticks = "in" also the opposite axis ticks are displayed.


Logical, whether to display the grid within the panel/graph, default: grid = TRUE.


Graphical representation (list object) of voltammogram or chronoamperogram either in static form by {ggplot2} (plot.interact = FALSE) or in interactive form by {plotly} (plot.interact = TRUE).


Bard AJ, Faulkner LR, White HS (2022). Electrochemical methods: Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., ISBN 978-1-119-33405-7,

Pingarrón JM, Labuda J, Barek J, Brett CMA, Camões MF, Fojta M, Hibbert DB (2020). “Terminology of Electrochemical Methods of Analysis (IUPAC Recommendations 2019).” Pure and Appl. Chem., 92(4), 641–694.

Neudeck A, Petr A, Dunsch L (1999). “The redox mechanism of Polyaniline Studied by Simultaneous ESR–UV–vis Spectroelectrochemistry.” Synth. Met., 107(3), 143–158,

Elgrishi N, Rountree KJ, McCarthy BD, Rountree ES, Eisenhart TT, Dempsey JL (2018). “A Practical Beginner’s Guide to Cyclic Voltammetry.” J. Chem. Educ., 95(2), 197–206,

See also

Other EPR Spectroelectrochemistry: eval_ECh_QNe_chronoamp()


## loading package built-in example file =>
## `.txt` file generated by the IVIUM potentiostat software <-
load_data_example(file = "Triarylamine_ECh_CV_ivium.txt")
## the data frame contains following variables:
## time, desired potential, current and the actual/applied
## potential <-
  data.table::fread(file =,
    skip = 2,
    col.names = c("time_s",
                  "E_V_des", # desired potential
                  "E_V_app") # applied potential
## data frame preview
#>    time_s E_V_des          I_A      E_V_app
#>     <num>   <num>        <num>        <num>
#> 1:    0.0  0.0000 -3.95429e-08 -0.000251648
#> 2:    0.5  0.0025 -3.35184e-08  0.002265060
#> 3:    1.0  0.0050 -2.92210e-08  0.004787570
#> 4:    1.5  0.0075 -2.54160e-08  0.007305210
#> 5:    2.0  0.0100 -2.19019e-08  0.009820580
#> 6:    2.5  0.0125 -1.82987e-08  0.012332400
## simple voltammogram plot with ref. electrode string:
plot_ECh_VoC_amperogram(data.vat =
  x = "E_V_app",
  Current = "I_A",
  Current.unit = "A",
  ref.electrode = "Ag-quasiref."

## simple chronoamperogram plot with "theme_bw" theme
## and `ticks` pointing into the graph panel (ticks = "in")
plot_ECh_VoC_amperogram(data.vat =,
  x = "time_s",
  x.unit = "s",
  Current = "I_A",
  line.color = "darkred",
  line.type = 3,
  Current.unit = "A",
  theme.basic = "theme_bw",
  ticks = "in"

## simple interactive "darkgreen" voltammogram
plot_ECh_VoC_amperogram(data.vat =,
  x = "E_V_app",
  Current = "I_A",
  Current.unit = "A",
  line.color = "darkgreen",
  plot.interact = TRUE