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Plot of EPR/ENDOR spectrum/spectra (overlay plot) based on the ggplot2-functionality. Spectral data input must be available as a data frame object (see also argument data.spectra). Theme of the visual spectrum representation as well as additional plot elements can be varied like using the {ggplot2} package. Within a theme, the y ticks can be either displayed or skipped (which is common for visualization of EPR spectra) and the intensity (e.g. dIepr_over_dB) is presented in "procedure defined unit" (see p.d.u.).


  x = "B_mT",
  x.unit = "mT",
  xlim = NULL,
  var2nd.series = NULL, = NULL,
  Intensity = "dIepr_over_dB",
  Ilim = NULL,
  lineSpecs.form = "derivative",
  line.colors = "darkviolet",
  line.width = 0.75,
  line.type = 1,
  border.line.width = 0.5,
  border.line.color = "black",
  border.line.type = 1,
  theme.basic = "theme_gray",
  axis.title.size = 15,
  axis.text.size = 14,
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.size = NULL,
  legend.text.size = NULL,
  grid = TRUE,
  yTicks = TRUE



Data frame/table object, containing magnetic flux density, \(g\)-value or radio-frequency columns as x variable. They can be labeled as Field, B_mT, B_G or RF_MHz see also x argument. The y / Intensity variable can be labeled as dIepr_over_dB, in case of derivative intensity, or if integrated or simulated spectra intensities are present, they can be labeled accordingly. See also Intensity parameter/argument. For the spectral series, the second independent variable var2nd.series column (e.g. var2nd.series = "time_s" or var2nd.series = "T_K") must be available. In such case the entire data.spectra must inherit the form of tidy/long table format (see also argument var2nd.series).


Character string, pointing to \(x\)-axis/column quantity header in the original data.spectra like magnetic flux density \(B\), \(g\)-Value or \(RF\) (radio frequency), default: x = "B_mT".


Character string, pointing to unit of x-quantity coming from the original data.spectra. Units like "G" (Gauss), "mT" (millitesla), "T" (tesla), "MHz" (megahertz in case of ENDOR spectra) or "Unitless" / "unitless" (in case of \(g\)-values) can be used. Default: x.unit = "mT".


Numeric vector, referring to lower and upper limit of the selected \(x\)-region, e.g. xlim = c(3495.4,3595.4) (\(B\) in G) or xlim = c(12.5,21.2) (\(RF\) in MHz) or xlim = c(2.004,2.001) (dimensionless \(g\)). Default: xlim = NULL (actually corresponding to the entire \(x\)-range).


Character string, referred to name of the second independent variable/quantity column in the original data.spectra (such as time, Temperature, Electrochemical Potential, Microwave Power...etc) altered upon individual experiments. Data must be available in long table / tidy format (see also readEPR_Exp_Specs_multif or plot_EPR_Specs2D_interact). Default: var2nd.series = NULL. Otherwise, usually var2nd.series = "time_s".

Numeric, corresponding to each \(n-th\) presented spectrum in the overlay plot, e.g. display each second ( = 2) or third ( = 3), ...etc. spectrum. The argument is only used if var2nd.series is NOT NULL (e.g. var2nd.series = "time_s") and one wants to present DISCRETE LABELS / LEVELS for the overlay spectra (see also line.colors argument). THE = 1 MAY DISPLAY ALL DISCRETE SPECTRA WITHIN THE SERIES. However, the RECOMENDED MAX. NUMBER of spectra/lines IS 12.


Character string, pointing to intensity column name in the original data.spectra if other than dIepr_over_dB name/label is used (e.g. for simulated or integrated spectra), default: Intesity = "dIepr_over_dB".


Numeric vector, corresponding to limits of the selected y / Intensity region, e.g. Ilim = c(-2e-3,2e-3). Default: Ilim = NULL (actually corresponding to the entire Intensity range).


Character string, describing either "derivative" (default) or "integrated" (in such case also "absorption" can be used) line form of the analyzed EPR spectrum/data.


Character string, line color(s) to plot EPR spectrum/spectra. All {ggplot2} compatible colors are allowed to plot the individual spectrum, default: line.colors = "steelblue". For the series of EPR spectra two color scales are used:

  1. Continuous. This is the case when var2nd.series IS NOT NULL and = NULL. The line.colors argument is identical with the continuous colorscales, i.e. with the one from scale_colour_gradientn. Following color definitions are allowed =>

    • any color vector like c("blue","green","red") with the length of \(\geq 2\)

    • any color definition from grDevices like hcl.colors(n,pallete), rainbow(n), heat.colors(n), terrain.colors(n), topo.colors(n), cm.colors(n) where the number of colors \(n \geq 2\) should be specified. See also grDevices Palettes and HCL Color Palettes

  2. Discrete. This is the case when both var2nd.series as well as are DISTINCT FROM NULL. Following color definitions are allowed =>

    • any color vector like c("blue","green","red") with the length of \(\geq 2\)

    • any color definition from scale_color_viridis_d "option". These involve line.colors = "magma" (or ..."A"), line.colors = "inferno" (or ..."B"), line.colors = "plasma" (or ..."C"), line.colors = "viridis" (or ..."D"), line.colors = "cividis" (or ..."E"), line.colors = "rocket" (or ..."F"), line.colors = "mako" (or ..."G") and line.colors = "turbo" (or ..."H")


Numeric, linewidth of the plot line in mm, default: line.width = 0.75.


Character string or integer, corresponding to width of the (spectral) line(s). Following types can be specified: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid" (default), 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash" and 6 = "twodash".


Numeric, width (in mm) of the plot graph/panel border line, default: border.line.width = 0.5.


Character string, referring to color of the plot graph/panel border line. Default: border.line.color = "black".


Character string or integer, corresponding to width of the plot graph/panel border line. Following types can be specified: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid" (default), 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash" and 6 = "twodash".


Character string, calling a ggplot theme base. Following themes are defined:


(default one) => gray background with the white grid lines


=> white background with thin gray grid lines, the theme is suggested for publications


=> similar to theme_bw() but without the pronounced axis black lines


=> without grid, pronounced axis lines, however without opposite ones


=> pronounced axis lines (both for the origin and the opposite) as well as the grid ones, theme is suggested for publications if the grid is set to FALSE


Numeric, axis text title size in pt. Default: axis.title.size = 15.


Numeric, text size in pt for the axes unit values/descriptions, default: axis.text.size = 14.


Character string identical to legend title, e.g. legend.title = "Time (s)", legend.title = "Electrochem. Potential (V)" or legend.title = "Sample". Default: legend.title = NULL in case of var2nd.series = NULL.


Numeric, legend text title size in pt,default: legend.title.size = NULL, actually corresponding to 13/13pt.


Numeric, legend text size in pt, default: legend.text.size = NULL, actually corresponding to 11/11pt.


Logical, whether to display the grid within the panel/graph, default: grid = TRUE.


Logical, whether to display the y (Intensity) ticks and the corresponding text (not the axis title!), which is often skipped in the EPR community, default: yTicks = TRUE (the axis ticks as well as the text are present).


EPR spectrum/spectra ('overlay') plot object (corresponding to list of plot components) using the ggplot2 functionality, with the key parameter variations like line color, theme, grid...etc.


Output from the plot_EPR_Specs can be additionally combined by the + sign with other ggplot2 or internal plotting functions (e.g. with plot_theme_In_ticks). For details of ggplot2 theme elements, please refer to Modify Components of a Theme (see also theme) or to ggplot2 Elements Demonstration by Henry Wang. The actual function does not assume a deep knowledge of ggplot2 package (as well as the grammar of graphics philosophy, see vignette("functionality")) and literally, one can easily start to plot from scratch (see also building plot in example of plot_theme_NoY_ticks). However, there is a great interactive Rstudio addin/package called esquisse which nicely helps to dive into the ggplot2 even for complete beginners.


## load the following built-in spectral data:
aminoxyl.file.path <-
## read the aminoxyl radical spectrum without intensity
## normalization <- readEPR_Exp_Specs(aminoxyl.file.path)
## simple plot of an EPR spectrum with B in `mT`
## and dIepr_over_dB_Sim in `p.d.u.` (derivative intensity)

## the same spectrum with B in `G` and `theme_bw`
## ggplot2 graph theme
plot_EPR_Specs(data.spectra =,
               x = "B_G",
               x.unit = "G",
               theme.basic = "theme_bw")

## single integration (without baseline correction)
## of the previous spectrum by the `eval_integ_EPR_Spec`
## function <-
## plot the single integrated spectrum
               x = "B_G",
               x.unit = "G",
               Intensity = "single_Integ",
               line.colors = "darkorange",
               line.type = "dashed",
               lineSpecs.form = "integrated")

## loading the built-in CW ENDOR spectrum
## of perinaphthenyl (PNT)
pnt.file.path <- load_data_example("PNT_ENDOR_a.txt")
## read the PNT CW ENDOR data without intensity
## normalization <-
                    col.names = c("index",
                    x.unit = "MHz")
## plotting the previous ENDOR data spectrum
## in derivative form with `darkred` linecolor
## and 1.2 mm linewidth:
               x = "RF_MHz",
               x.unit = "MHz",
               line.colors = "darkred",
               line.width = 1.2)

## loading the built-in package example to demonstrate
## visualizatioin of time series EPR spectra:
triarylamine.decay.series.dsc.path <-
load_data_example(file =
triarylamine.decay.series.asc.path <-
load_data_example(file =
      exdir = tempdir()
## loading the kinetics: <-
  readEPR_Exp_Specs_kin(name.root =
  dir_ASC = tempdir(),
  dir_dsc_par =
                package = "eprscope")
## plot with the CONTINUOUS COLORSCALE (see argument
## `line.colors` and color definitions `1.`):
               var2nd.series = "time_s",
               line.colors =
               grDevices::hcl.colors(8,palette = "Roma"),
               legend.title = "Time (s)",
               yTicks = FALSE)

## plot with the DISCRETE COLORSCALE (see argument
## `line.colors` and color definitions `2.`),
## each 10-th spectrum from the original plot is presented:
               var2nd.series = "time_s",
      = 10,
               line.colors = c("darkblue",
               legend.title = "Time (s)")

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## display the variable temperature experiment selecting
## the DISCRETE COLORSCALE where all EPR spectra from
## the series are presented:
  Ilim = c(-4e-3,4e-3),
  var2nd.series = "T_K", # temperature in Kelvins = 1,
  line.colors = c("darkblue",
  legend.title = "Temperature (K)")
} # }