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Theoretical quantitative kinetic profiles (such as concentration/amount/integral intensity) as well as comparison with the experimental data for various predefined model reactions involving radical(s) (labeled as "R"). Profiles are evaluated by the numeric solution of rate equations by the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE from desolve R package). This function is inspired by the R-bloggers article.


  model.react = "(r=1)R --> [k1] B",
  model.expr.diff = FALSE,
  elementary.react = TRUE,
  kin.params = c(k1 = 0.001, qvar0R = 0.02),
  time.unit = "s",
  time.interval.model = c(0, 1800),
  time.frame.model = 2,
  solve.ode.method = "lsoda",
  data.qt.expr = NULL,
  time.expr = NULL,
  qvar.expr = NULL,



Character string, denoting a specific radical ("R") reaction related to changes in integral intensities (or any other quantitative variable) in EPR spectral time series. Arrow shows direction of the reaction ("-->", forward or "<==>", forward + reverse). Rate constants are indicated by square brackets after the arrows. Following examples of the reaction schemes are predefined and commonly used to describe the integral intensity and/or radical concentration/amount changes during the EPR time series experiment (the r,a,b stoichiometric coefficients may vary, see below).

Reaction Schememodel.react
\((r=1)\text{R} \xrightarrow{k_1} \text{B}\)"(r=1)R --> [k1] B"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightarrow{k_1} (r=2)\text{R}\)"(a=2)A --> [k1] (r=2)R"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightleftharpoons[k_4]{k_1} (r=2)\text{R} \xrightleftharpoons[k_3]{k_2} (b=1)\text{B}\)"(a=2)A <==> [k1] [k4] (r=2)R <==> [k2] [k3] (b=1)B"
\((r=1)\text{R} \xrightleftharpoons[k_2]{k_1} (b=1)\text{B}\)"(r=1)R <==> [k1] [k2] (b=1)B"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightleftharpoons[k_2]{k_1} (r=2)\text{R}\)"(a=2)A <==> [k1] [k2] (r=2)R"
\((a=1)\text{A} + (b=1)\text{B} \xrightarrow{k_1} (r=1)\text{R}\)"(a=1)A + (b=1)B --> [k1] (r=1)R"
\((a=1)\text{A} + (r=1)\text{R} \xrightarrow{k_1} \text{B}\)"(a=1)A + (r=1)R --> [k1] B"

Couple of examples are also given in Details. The function is relatively flexible and enables later addition of any other reaction schemes describing the EPR time series experiments (YOU MAY ASK DEVELOPER(S) via forum/help-channels). The stoichiometric coefficient (such as (r=1) or (a=1)) can be varied within the model.react character string. Defined/Allowed values are integers, e.g. 1,2,3...etc. The space character within the model.react string is not fixed and can be skipped for the sake of simplicity. If elementary.react = FALSE (the model reaction is not considered as an elementary one), a possible non-integer partial coefficients (e.g. alpha,beta or gamma) must be included in kin.params (see also kin.params description). For the consecutive model reaction presented above, it applies only to one part/step of the mechanism.


Logical, difference between the integral intensities/areas under the EPR spectra calculated using the experimental data and those generated by the model. By default the argument is FALSE and it is ONLY ACTIVATED (model.expr.diff = TRUE) IN THE CASE WHEN THE KINETIC MODEL FITTING PROCEDURE (see also eval_kinR_EPR_modelFit or examples below) IS PERFORMED.


Logical, if the model reaction should be considered as the elementary one, i.e. the stoichiometric coefficients equal to the partial reaction orders. Such reaction proceeds without identifiable intermediate species forming. Default: elementary.react = TRUE. If elementary.react = FALSE, i.e. the model.react cannot be considered like an elementary one, one must include the parameterized reaction orders \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) or \(\gamma\) in the kin.params, e.g kin.params = c(k1 = 0.01, qvar0A = 0.05, alpha = 1.5). For the consecutive model reaction presented above, it applies only to one part/step of the mechanism.


Named numeric vector, containing rate constants as well as initial radical or other reactant/product concentration/integral intensities/areas...etc. Therefore, a general qvar (quantitative variable) is defined which may actually reflect all above-mentioned quantities. Default: kin.params = c(k1 = 0.001,qvar0R = 0.02). The initial values are denoted as qvar0X (e.g. qvar0R for radical or qvar0A for the reactant A). The components of kin.params depend on model.react as well as on the elementary.react. If elementary.react = FALSE additional parameters like partial reaction orders (alpha and/or beta and/or gamma) must be defined within the kin.params, like summarized in the following table:

model.reactEssential kin.params components
"(r=1)R --> [k1] B"k1, qvar0R, (alpha)
"(a=1)A --> [k1] (r=1)R"k1, qvar0A, qvar0R, (alpha)
"(a=1)A <==> [k1] [k4] (r=1)R <==> [k2] [k3] (b=1)B"k1, k2, k3, k4, qvar0A, qvar0R, qvar0B, (alpha, beta, gamma)
"(r=1)R <==> [k1] [k2] (b=1)B"k1, k2, qvar0R, qvar0B, (alpha, beta)
"(a=1)A <==> [k1] [k2] (r=1)R"k1, k2, qvar0A, qvar0R, (alpha, beta)
"(a=1)A + (b=1)B --> [k1] (r=1)R"k1, qvar0A, qvar0B, qvar0R, (alpha,beta)
"(a=1)A + (r=1)R --> [k1] B"k1, qvar0A, qvar0R, (alpha,beta)

The k1-unit is eventually expressed in terms of \(s^{-1}\) as well as in units of the applied qvar (e.g. c, concentration) and depends on the partial reaction order(s) (PRO, see above), which power(s) the qvar(s). For example, the k1-unit of elementary radical recombination, evaluated by double integrals, like model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B", reads: \(\text{s}^{-1}\,(\text{p.d.u.})^{-1}\), where p.d.u. stands for the procedure defined units.


Character string, corresponding to time unit like "s" (default), "min" or "h".


Numeric vector, including two values: starting and final time/termination of the model reaction (e.g. c(0,1800) in seconds, default).


Numeric value, corresponding to interval time resolution, i.e. the smallest time difference between two consecutive points. The number of points is thus defined by the time.interval.model argument: $$((Interval[2] - Interval[1])\,/\,Frame) + 1$$ This argument is required to numerically solve the kinetic differential equations by the ode. For the default interval mentioned above, the default value reads time.frame.model = 2 (in seconds).


Character string, setting up the integrator (the method argument in ode), applied to find the numeric solution of ODE. Default: solve.ode.method = "lsoda" (lsoda, additional methods, see the ode link above).


A data frame object, containing the concentrations/integral intensities/areas under the EPR spectra calculated using the experimental data as well as time column. These two essential column headers are described by the character strings like those below time.expr and qvar.expr. The data.qt.expr MUST BE USED ONLY IN SUCH CASE WHEN THE EXPERIMENTAL TIME HAS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE KINETIC MODEL (e.g. also for THE FITTING of EXPERIMENTAL DATA BY THE KINETIC MODEL). Default: data.qt.expr = NULL.


Character string, pointing to time column/variable name in the original data.qt.expr data frame. Default: time.expr = NULL (when the experimental data aren't taken into account). If the time has to be corrected (e.g. in the case of double integrals), please use correct_time_Exp_Specs function prior to kinetic evaluation.


Character string, pointing to qvar column/variable name in the original data.qt.expr data frame. Default: qvar.expr = NULL (when the experimental data aren't taken into account).


additional arguments passed to the ODE (see also ode).


If the function is not used for fitting of the experimental and processed data, the result is list consisting of:


Data frame, containing time column and qvar, quantitative variable, columns corresponding to quantities of different relevant species denoted as "R", "A", "B" + if data.qt.expr is NOT NULL additional experimental quantitative variable is present.


Plot object, containing time as \(x\)-axis and qvar (see df above) as \(y\)-axis + if data.qt.expr is NOT NULL the experimental quantitative variable is presented as well.

Applying function for the fitting procedure requires model.expr.diff = TRUE and therefore the result is represented by the difference between the integral intensities/areas, calculated using the experimental data and those generated by the model.


According to IUPAC (2019), see als the References, the rate of a chemical reaction with the radicals (\(\text{R}\)) involved (refer to the example in model.react argument) $$a\text{A} + r\text{R} \xrightarrow\, b\text{B}$$ is expressed via the time change of extent of the reaction (\(\text{d}\xi/\text{d}t\)): $$-(1/r)\,(\text{d}n_{\text{R}}/\text{d}t) = -(1/a)\,(\text{d}n_{\text{A}}/\text{d}t) = (1/b)\,(\text{d}n_{\text{B}}/\text{d}t)$$ where \(a,r,b\) are the stoichiometric coefficients. At constant volume (\(V\)) conditions (or if volume changes are negligible) the amount (\(n\) in mole) of reactant/product can be replaced by its corresponding concentration (\(c = n/V\)). Such reaction rate (expressed in moles per unit volume and per second) is function of temperature (\(T\)), pressure (\(p\)) as well as that of concentration of reactants/products. For the reaction example shown above it applies (for radical \(\text{R}\)): $$\text{d}c_{\text{R}}/\text{d}t = - r\,k(T,p)\,c_{\text{A}}^{\alpha}\,c_{\text{R}}^{\beta}$$ This is called rate law, where \(k\) is the rate constant and its pressure dependence is usually small and therefore can be ignored, in the first approach. Coefficients \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), in general, correspond to fitting parameters, coming from experimental relation of the reaction rate and the concentration of reactants/products. These coefficients are called partial reaction orders or PROs and their sum represents total order of the reaction. If the kinetic equation, for the reaction, corresponds to its stoichiometry, the reaction is described as the elementary one. In EPR Spectroscopy the number of radicals is directly proportional to (double) integral of the radical EPR spectrum (see also quantify_EPR_Abs). Therefore, for a quick evaluation or and/or comparison of different kinetic data, one can also obtain the rate constant from the area/integral vs time fit onto the experimental EPR spectral time series outputs (see also the eval_kinR_EPR_modelFit). Accordingly, the "R" concentration (or number of radicals/V) can be replaced by the corresponding integral. For such a purpose a more general quantitative variable (\(qvar\)) is defined. However, in such case the unit of \(k\) must be expressed accordingly (see the kin.params argument). Quantitative kinetic profiles (such as that \(\text{d}c_{\text{R}}/\text{d}t\) or \(\text{d}(qvar)_{\text{R}}/\text{d}t\) described above) are not evaluated by common integration of the kinetic equations/rate laws, however by numeric solution of the Ordinary Differential Equations, ODE in {desolve} R package. Therefore, higher number of models might be available than for integrated differential equations, because for complex mechanisms it's quite often highly demanding to obtain the analytical solution by common integration. Several kinetic models for radical reactions in EPR spectroscopy are predefined and summarized below (see also the model.react function argument).

model.reactShort Description
"(r=1)R --> [k1] B"Basic forward reaction, e.g. irrev. dimerization (if (r=2)).
"(a=1)A --> [k1] (r=1)R"Basic forward radical formation
"(a=1)A <==> [k1] [k4] (r=1)R <==> [k2] [k3] (b=1)B"Consecutive reactions, e.g. considering comproportionation (for (a=2) and (r=2)) + follow-up reversible dimerization ((b=1)).
"(r=1)R <==> [k1] [k2] (b=1)B"Basic reversible radical quenching, e.g. rev. \(\pi-\pi\) dimerization for (r=2) and (b=1).
"(a=1)A <==> [k1] [k2] (r=1)R"Basic reversible radical formation, e.g. from rev. comproportionation of conjugated thiophene oligomers (\(\text{A}^{++} + \text{A}^0 \xrightleftharpoons ~ 2\text{R}^{.+}\), for (a=2) and (r=2)).
"(a=1)A + (b=1)B --> [k1] (r=1)R"Radical formation by chemical reaction like oxidation, reduction or spin trapping (if A refers to transient radical, which is not visible within the common EPR time scale).
"(a=1)A + (r=1)R --> [k1] B"General radical quenching by chemical reaction.


International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (2019). “Rate of Reaction”,

Quisenberry KT, Tellinghuisen J (2006). “Textbook Deficiencies: Ambiguities in Chemical Kinetics Rates and Rate Constants.” J. Chem. Educ., 83(3), 510,

Levine IN (2009). Physical Chemistry, 6th edition. McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-072-53862-5,

rdabbler (2013). “Learning R: Parameter Fitting for Models Involving Differential Equations”,

See also


## irreversible dimerization quantitative kinetic profile,
## table (df) with first 10 observations/rows and application
## of the "euler" integrator (to solve ODE) method
kin.test.01 <-
  eval_kinR_ODE_model(model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B",
                      kin.params = c(k1 = 0.012,
                                     qvar0R = 0.08),
                      solve.ode.method = "euler")
## preview
head(kin.test.01$df,n = 10)
#>    time           R
#> 1     0 0.080000000
#> 2     2 0.079692800
#> 3     4 0.079387955
#> 4     6 0.079085437
#> 5     8 0.078785221
#> 6    10 0.078487280
#> 7    12 0.078191588
#> 8    14 0.077898119
#> 9    16 0.077606850
#> 10   18 0.077317754
## consecutive reactions and the corresponding plot
## (`model.react` character string without spaces)
kin.test.02 <-
   model.react = "(a=2)A<==>[k1][k4](r=2)R<==>[k2][k3](b=1)B",
   kin.params = c(k1 = 0.1,
                  k2 = 0.1,
                  k3 = 2e-4,
                  k4 = 2e-5,
                  qvar0A = 0.02,
                  qvar0R = 0.002,
                  qvar0B = 0)
## plot preview

## data frame/table preview
#>   time           A            R             B
#> 1    0 0.020000000 0.0020000000 0.0000000e+00
#> 2    2 0.019841265 0.0021570046 8.6509396e-07
#> 3    4 0.019685030 0.0023112417 1.8639989e-06
#> 4    6 0.019531237 0.0024627557 3.0037259e-06
#> 5    8 0.019379835 0.0026115850 4.2900127e-06
#> 6   10 0.019230760 0.0027577797 5.7300903e-06
## loading example data (incl. `Area` and `time` variables)
## from Xenon software: decay of a triarylamine radical cation
## after its generation by electrochemical oxidation
triaryl_radCat_path <-
  load_data_example(file = "Triarylamine_radCat_decay_a.txt")
## corresponding data (double integrated
## EPR spectrum = `Area` vs `time`)
triaryl_radCat_data <-
                    header = TRUE,
                    fill = TRUE,
                    select = c(3,7),
                    col.names = c("time_s","Area"),
                    x.unit = "s",
           = 1,
           = 2,
                    qValue = 1700,
                    data.structure = "others") %>%
## data preview
#>    time_s        Area
#>     <num>       <num>
#> 1:   0.00 0.018741176
#> 2:  15.17 0.018117647
#> 3:  30.01 0.017617647
#> 4:  44.82 0.017194118
#> 5:  59.66 0.016511765
#> 6:  74.52 0.016347059
## comparison of the kinetic model with the experimental
## data `triaryl_radCat_data`, kinetic parameters were estimated
## to be as close as possible to the latter.
compar_model_expr_data_01 <-
  eval_kinR_ODE_model(model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B",
                      kin.params = c(qvar0R = 0.019,
                                     k1 = 0.04),
                      time.interval.model = c(0,1500),
                      data.qt.expr = triaryl_radCat_data,
                      qvar.expr = "Area",
                      time.expr = "time_s")
## plot preview

## previous kinetic model with partial reaction
## order ("alpha") corresponding to "R" (radical species).
## as an ELEMENTARY one !
compar_model_expr_data_02 <-
  eval_kinR_ODE_model(model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B",
                      elementary.react = FALSE,
                      kin.params = c(qvar0R = 0.019,
                                     k1 = 0.04,
                                     alpha = 1.9
                      time.interval.model = c(0,1500),
                      data.qt.expr = triaryl_radCat_data,
                      qvar.expr = "Area",
                      time.expr = "time_s")
## plot preview