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Fitting of the integrals/areas/concentration/...etc. vs time relation (either from experiment or from integration of the EPR spectral time series) in order to find the kinetic parameters (like rate constant, \(k\) as well as (partial) reaction order(s)) of proposed radical reaction. Reaction model is taken from the eval_kinR_ODE_model, while the optimization/fitting is provided by the differential Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method, nls.lm. Because the radical concentration is directly proportional to the EPR spectrum (double) integral (see the quantify_EPR_Abs), for a quick evaluation and/or comparison of different kinetic data, it is possible to obtain the rate constants (\(k\)) by the integrals/areas vs time fit. Therefore, the unit of \(k\) is expressed in terms of \(\text{s}^{-1}\) as well as in units of integrals/areas, e.g. procedure defined unit (see p.d.u.), depending on the order of reaction (see the params.guess argument).


  time.unit = "s",
  time = "time_s",
  qvarR = "Area",
  model.react = "(r=1)R --> [k1] B",
  elementary.react = TRUE,
  params.guess = c(qvar0R = 0.001, k1 = 0.001),
  params.guess.lower = NULL,
  params.guess.upper = NULL,
  fit.kin.method = "diff-levenmarq",
  solve.ode.method = "lsoda",
  time.frame.model = 2,
  time.correct = FALSE,
  path_to_dsc_par = NULL,
  origin = NULL,



A data frame object, containing the concentrations/integral intensities/areas under the EPR spectra calculated using the experimental data as well as time column. These two essential columns are described by character strings like those below (see arguments time and qvarR).


Character string, corresponding to time unit like "s" (default), "min" or "h".


Character string, pointing to time column/variable name in the original data.qt.expr data frame. Default: time = "time_s".


Character string, pointing to qvarR (quantitative variable related to radical) column/variable name in the original data.qt.expr. Default: qvarR = "Area".


Character string, denoting a specific radical ("R") reaction related to changes in integral intensities (or any other quantitative variable) in EPR spectral time series. Arrow shows direction of the reaction ("-->", forward or "<==>", forward + reverse). Rate constants are indicated by square brackets after the arrows. Following examples of the reaction schemes are predefined and commonly used to describe the integral intensity and/or radical concentration/amount changes during the EPR time series experiment (the r,a,b stoichiometric coefficients may vary, see below).

Reaction Schememodel.react
\((r=1)\text{R} \xrightarrow{k_1} \text{B}\)"(r=1)R --> [k1] B"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightarrow{k_1} (r=2)\text{R}\)"(a=2)A --> [k1] (r=2)R"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightleftharpoons[k_4]{k_1} (r=2)\text{R} \xrightleftharpoons[k_3]{k_2} (b=1)\text{B}\)"(a=2)A <==> [k1] [k4] (r=2)R <==> [k2] [k3] (b=1)B"
\((r=1)\text{R} \xrightleftharpoons[k_2]{k_1} (b=1)\text{B}\)"(r=1)R <==> [k1] [k2] (b=1)B"
\((a=2)\text{A} \xrightleftharpoons[k_2]{k_1} (r=2)\text{R}\)"(a=2)A <==> [k1] [k2] (r=2)R"
\((a=1)\text{A} + (b=1)\text{B} \xrightarrow{k_1} (r=1)\text{R}\)"(a=1)A + (b=1)B --> [k1] (r=1)R"
\((a=1)\text{A} + (r=1)\text{R} \xrightarrow{k_1} \text{B}\)"(a=1)A + (r=1)R --> [k1] B"

Couple of examples are also given in Details. The function is relatively flexible and enables later addition of any other reaction schemes describing the EPR time series experiments (YOU MAY ASK DEVELOPER(S) via forum/help-channels). The stoichiometric coefficient (such as (r=1) or (a=1)) can be varied within the model.react character string. Defined/Allowed values are integers, e.g. 1,2,3...etc. The space character within the model.react string is not fixed and can be skipped for the sake of simplicity. If elementary.react = FALSE (the model reaction is not considered as an elementary one), a possible non-integer partial coefficients (e.g. alpha,beta or gamma) must be included in kin.params (see also kin.params description). For the consecutive model reaction presented above, it applies only to one part/step of the mechanism.


Logical, if the model reaction should be considered as the elementary one, i.e. the stoichiometric coefficients equal to the partial reaction orders. Such reaction proceeds without identifiable intermediate species forming. Default: elementary.react = TRUE. If elementary.react = FALSE, i.e. the model.react cannot be considered like an elementary one, one must include the parameterized reaction orders \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) or \(\gamma\) in the kin.params, e.g kin.params = c(k1 = 0.01, qvar0A = 0.05, alpha = 1.5). For the consecutive model reaction presented above, it applies only to one part/step of the mechanism.


Named vector, initial values of kin.params (see eval_kinR_ODE_model) ready for optimization/fitting. The k1-unit is eventually expressed in terms of \(s^{-1}\) as well as in units of the applied qvar (e.g. c, concentration) and depends on the partial reaction order(s), which power(s) the qvar(s). For example, the k1-unit of elementary radical recombination, evaluated by double integrals, like model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B", reads: \(\text{s}^{-1}\,(\text{p.d.u.})^{-1}\).


Numeric vector of lower bounds on each parameter in params.guess. If not given, the default (params.guess.lower = NULL) lower bound corresponds to -Inf of each params.guess component.


Numeric vector of upper bounds on each parameter in params.guess. If not given, the default (params.guess.upper = NULL) upper bound corresponds to +Inf of each params.guess component.


Character string, pointing to optimization/fitting method. So far, the default one (fit.kin.method = "diff-levenmarq") is exclusively used (additional methods are planned). It corresponds to differential Levenberg-Marquardt (see also nls.lm) because it is based on the numeric solution of the ordinary differential equations and not on the common integration of rate equations.


Character string, setting up the integrator (the method argument in ode), applied to find the numeric solution of ODE. Default: solve.ode.method = "lsoda" (lsoda, additional methods, see the ode link above).


Numeric value, corresponding to interval time resolution, i.e. the smallest time difference between two consecutive points. The number of points is thus defined by the time.interval.model argument: $$((Interval[2] - Interval[1])\,/\,Frame) + 1$$ This argument is required to numerically solve the kinetic differential equations by the ode. For the default interval mentioned above, the default value reads time.frame.model = 2 (in seconds).


Logical, if time of recorded series of the EPR spectra needs to be corrected. Default: time.correc = FALSE, which actually assumes that time correction was done (either by correct_time_Exp_Specs or by readEPR_Exp_Specs_kin with a subsequent integration), prior to fitting procedure. If time.correct = TRUE, the path to file with EPR instrumental parameters (like .DSC/.dsc or par) must be defined (see the path_to_dsc_par).


Character string, path (also provided by the file.path) to .DSC/.dsc or .par (depending on origin parameter) text files including instrumental parameters and provided by the EPR machine. Default: path_to_dsc_par = NULL.


Character string, corresponding to software which was used to acquire the EPR spectra, essential to load the parameters by the path_to_dsc_par (see also the readEPR_params_slct_kin). Two origins are available: origin = "winepr" or origin = "xenon".


additional arguments for nls.lm, e.g. defined by the control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control().


List with the following components is available:


Data frame object with the variables/columns such as time, experimental quantitative variable like sigmoid_Integ (sigmoid integral) or Area, concentration c_M or number of radicals of the relevant EPR spectrum; the corresponding quantitative variable fitted vector values as well as residual vector (experiment - kinetic model) related to the qvarR argument.


Plot object Quantitative variable vs Time with the experimental data and the corresponding fit.


GGplot2 object (related to simple residual analysis), including two main plots: Q-Q plot and residuals vs predicted qvarR from the kinetic model.


Data frame object containing the optimized (best fit) parameter values (Estimates), their corresponding standard errors, t- as well as p-values.


Total number of evaluations/iterations before the best fit is found.


Minimum sum of residual squares after N.evals.


Vector, corresponding to residual sum of squares at each iteration/evaluation.


Mullen KM, Elzhov TV, Spiess A, Bolker B (2023). “minpack.lm.”

Gavin HP (2024). “The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least squares curve-fitting problems.” Department of civil and environmental engineering, Duke University,

See also

Other Evaluations and Quantification: eval_integ_EPR_Spec(), eval_kinR_ODE_model(), quantify_EPR_Abs(), quantify_EPR_Norm_const()


## loading example data (incl. `Area` and `time` variables)
## from Xenon: decay of a triarylamine radical cation
## after its generation by electrochemical oxidation
triaryl_radCat_path <-
  load_data_example(file = "Triarylamine_radCat_decay_a.txt")
## corresponding data (double integrated
## EPR spectrum = `Area` vs `time`)
triaryl_radCat_data <-
                    header = TRUE,
                    fill = TRUE,
                    select = c(3,7),
                    col.names = c("time_s","Area"),
                    x.unit = "s",
           = 1,
           = 2,
                    qValue = 1700,
                    data.structure = "others") %>%
## data preview
#>    time_s        Area
#>     <num>       <num>
#> 1:   0.00 0.018741176
#> 2:  15.17 0.018117647
#> 3:  30.01 0.017617647
#> 4:  44.82 0.017194118
#> 5:  59.66 0.016511765
#> 6:  74.52 0.016347059
## loading the `.DSC` file
triaryl_radCat_dsc_path <-
  load_data_example(file = "Triarylamine_radCat_decay_a.DSC")
## fit previous data by second order kinetics,
## where the `model.react` is considered as an elementary
## step (`time.correct` of the CW-sweeps is included (`TRUE`))
triaryl_model_kin_fit_01 <-
  eval_kinR_EPR_modelFit(data.qt.expr = triaryl_radCat_data,
                         model.react = "(r=2)R --> [k1] B",
                         elementary.react = TRUE,
                         params.guess = c(qvar0R = 0.019,
                                          k1 = 0.04
                         time.correct = TRUE,
                         path_to_dsc_par = triaryl_radCat_dsc_path,
                         origin = "xenon")
## data frame preview
#>    time_s        Area      fitted      residuals
#>     <num>       <num>       <num>          <num>
#> 1:      6 0.018741176 0.018498974  0.00024220227
#> 2:     21 0.018117647 0.017992445  0.00012520241
#> 3:     36 0.017617647 0.017512916  0.00010473112
#> 4:     51 0.017194118 0.017058284  0.00013583347
#> 5:     66 0.016511765 0.016626659 -0.00011489474
#> 6:     81 0.016347059 0.016216338  0.00013072040
## plot preview

## coefficients/parameters table preview
#>           Estimate    Std. Error   t value       Pr(>|t|)
#> qvar0R 0.018498974 4.4370112e-05 416.92422 4.9868274e-161
#> k1     0.050727647 1.9521465e-04 259.85573 6.3237953e-141
## convergence preview
#> [1] 1.2424078e-04 2.8726168e-06 1.3678869e-06 1.3672908e-06 1.3672908e-06
## simple residual analysis plots
## showing the random pattern, which indicates that
## kinetic model provides a decent fit to the data +
## normal quantile (Q-Q) plot, indicating that residuals
## are normally distributed

## take the same experimental data and perform fit
## by first order kinetics where the `model.react`
## is considered as an elementary step
## (`time.correct` of the CW-sweeps is included (`TRUE`))
triaryl_model_kin_fit_02 <-
  eval_kinR_EPR_modelFit(data.qt.expr = triaryl_radCat_data,
    model.react = "(r=1)R --> [k1] B",
    elementary.react = TRUE,
    params.guess = c(qvar0R = 0.019,
                     k1 = 0.0002
    time.correct = TRUE,
    path_to_dsc_par = triaryl_radCat_dsc_path,
    origin = "xenon")
## plot preview

## coefficients/parameters table preview
#>             Estimate    Std. Error   t value      Pr(>|t|)
#> qvar0R 0.01654454027 1.6924636e-04 97.754187 1.6868359e-99
#> k1     0.00096215125 1.8497324e-05 52.015701 3.5037066e-73